--//SQL Database documentation script
--//Description: T-SQL script to generate the database document for SQL server 2000/2005
-- 출처: SQLER 허진수님의 게시물입니다
-- 사용법
-- 1. 아래 문서 전체를 테이블 명세서를 얻고자 하는 DB의 쿼리창에 붙여 넣고, 실행하면 됩니다.
-- 2. 실행하면 결과창에 HTML 양식의 텍스트가 생깁니다.
-- 3. 모두 선택하여 편집기에 붙여 넣고 확장자를 html 로 저장한 다음
-- 익스플로러에 끌어다 놓으면 테이블 명세서가 보입니다.
Declare @i Int, @maxi Int
Declare @j Int, @maxj Int
Declare @sr int
Declare @Output varchar(4000)
--Declare @tmpOutput varchar(max)
Declare @SqlVersion varchar(5)
Declare @last varchar(155), @current varchar(255), @typ varchar(255), @description varchar(4000)
create Table #Tables (id int identity(1, 1), Object_id int, Name varchar(155), Type varchar(20), [description] varchar(4000))
create Table #Columns (id int identity(1,1), Name varchar(155), Type Varchar(155), Nullable varchar(2), [description] varchar(4000))
create Table #Fk(id int identity(1,1), Name varchar(155), col Varchar(155), refObj varchar(155), refCol varchar(155))
create Table #Constraint(id int identity(1,1), Name varchar(155), col Varchar(155), definition varchar(1000))
create Table #Indexes(id int identity(1,1), Name varchar(155), Type Varchar(25), cols varchar(1000))
If (substring(@@VERSION, 1, 25 ) = 'Microsoft SQL Server 2005')
set @SqlVersion = '2005'
else if (substring(@@VERSION, 1, 26 ) = 'Microsoft SQL Server 2000')
set @SqlVersion = '2000'
set @SqlVersion = '2005'
Print '<head>'
Print '<title>::' + DB_name() + '::</title>'
Print '<style>'
Print ' body {'
Print ' font-family:가는각진제목체;'
Print ' font-size:12pt;'
Print ' }'
Print ' td {'
Print ' font-family:가는각진제목체;'
Print ' font-size:9pt;'
Print ' }'
Print ' th {'
Print ' font-family:가는각진제목체;'
Print ' font-size:9pt;'
Print ' background:#d3d3d3;'
Print ' }'
Print ' table'
Print ' {'
Print ' background:#d3d3d3;'
Print ' }'
Print ' tr'
Print ' {'
Print ' background:#ffffff;'
Print ' }'
Print ' </style>'
Print '</head>'
Print '<body>'
set nocount on
-- 목차 쿼리
if @SqlVersion = '2000'
insert into #Tables (Object_id, Name, Type, [description])
--FOR 2000
select object_id(table_name), '[' + table_schema + '].[' + table_name + ']',
case when table_type = 'BASE TABLE' then 'Table' else 'View' end,
cast(p.value as varchar(4000))
from information_schema.tables t
left outer join sysproperties p on p.id = object_id(t.table_name) and smallid = 0 and p.name = 'MS_Description'
order by table_type, table_schema, table_name
else if @SqlVersion = '2005'
insert into #Tables (Object_id, Name, Type, [description])
--FOR 2005
-- Select o.object_id, '[' + s.name + '].[' + o.name + ']',
Select o.object_id, o.name,
case when type = 'V' then 'View' when type = 'U' then 'Table' end,
cast(p.value as varchar(4000))
from sys.objects o
left outer join sys.schemas s on s.schema_id = o.schema_id
left outer join sys.extended_properties p on p.major_id = o.object_id and minor_id = 0 and p.name = 'MS_Description'
where type in ('U', 'V')
order by type, s.name, o.name
Set @maxi = @@rowcount
set @i = 1
-- 목차 내역 생성
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="550px" align="center"><tr><td colspan="3" style="height:50;font-size:14pt;text-align:center;"><a name="index"></a><b>목 차</b></td></tr></table>'
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="550px" align="center"><tr><th>Sr.</th><th>테 이 블 명</th><th>타 입</th></tr>'
While(@i <= @maxi)
select @Output = '<tr><td align="center">' + Cast((@i) as varchar) + '</td><td align="center"><a href="#' + Type + ':' + name + '">' + name + '</a></td><td align="center">' + Type + '</td></tr>'
from #Tables where id = @i
print @Output
set @i = @i + 1
print '</table><br />'
set @i = 1
While(@i <= @maxi)
--table header
select @Output = '<tr><th align="center"><a name="' + Type + ':' + name + '"></a><b>' + Type + ':' + name + '</b></th></tr>', @description = [description]
from #Tables where id = @i
print '<br /><br /><br /><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><td align="right"><a href="#index">목차</a></td></tr>'
print @Output
print '</table><br />'
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><td><b>설명</b></td></tr><tr><td>' + isnull(@description, '') + '</td></tr></table><br />'
--table columns
truncate table #Columns
if @SqlVersion = '2000'
insert into #Columns (Name, Type, Nullable, [description])
--FOR 2000
Select c.name,
type_name(xtype) + (
case when (type_name(xtype) = 'varchar' or type_name(xtype) = 'nvarchar' or type_name(xtype) ='char' or type_name(xtype) ='nchar')
then '(' + cast(length as varchar) + ')'
when type_name(xtype) = 'decimal'
then '(' + cast(prec as varchar) + ',' + cast(scale as varchar) + ')'
else ''
case when isnullable = 1 then 'Y' else 'N' end,
cast(p.value as varchar(8000))
from syscolumns c
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = c.id
left outer join sysproperties p on p.id = c.id and p.smallid = c.colid and p.name = 'MS_Description'
where t.id = @i
order by c.colorder
else if @SqlVersion = '2005'
insert into #Columns (Name, Type, Nullable, [description])
--FOR 2005
Select c.name,
type_name(user_type_id) + (
case when (type_name(user_type_id) = 'varchar' or type_name(user_type_id) = 'nvarchar' or type_name(user_type_id) ='char' or type_name(user_type_id) ='nchar')
then '(' + cast(max_length as varchar) + ')'
when type_name(user_type_id) = 'decimal'
then '(' + cast([precision] as varchar) + ',' + cast(scale as varchar) + ')'
else ''
case when is_nullable = 1 then 'Y' else 'N' end,
cast(p.value as varchar(4000))
from sys.columns c
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = c.object_id
left outer join sys.extended_properties p on p.major_id = c.object_id and p.minor_id = c.column_id and p.name = 'MS_Description'
where t.id = @i
order by c.column_id
Set @maxj = @@rowcount
set @j = 1
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><td><b>컬럼 상세 내역</b></td></tr></table>'
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><th>Sr.</th><th>컬 럼 명</th><th>데이터 타입</th><th>NULL 여부</th><th>설 명</th></tr>'
While(@j <= @maxj)
select @Output = '<tr><td width="20px" align="center">' + Cast((@j) as varchar) + '</td><td width="150px" align="center">' + isnull(name,'') + '</td><td width="150px" align="center">' + upper(isnull(Type,'')) + '</td><td width="50px" align="center">' + isnull(Nullable,'N') + '</td><td>' + isnull([description],'') + '</td></tr>'
from #Columns where id = @j
print @Output
Set @j = @j + 1;
print '</table><br />'
--reference key
truncate table #FK
if @SqlVersion = '2000'
insert into #FK (Name, col, refObj, refCol)
-- FOR 2000
select object_name(constid), s.name, object_name(rkeyid) , s1.name
from sysforeignkeys f
inner join sysobjects o on o.id = f.constid
inner join syscolumns s on s.id = f.fkeyid and s.colorder = f.fkey
inner join syscolumns s1 on s1.id = f.rkeyid and s1.colorder = f.rkey
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = f.fkeyid
where t.id = @i
order by 1
else if @SqlVersion = '2005'
insert into #FK (Name, col, refObj, refCol)
-- FOR 2005
select f.name, COL_NAME (fc.parent_object_id, fc.parent_column_id) , object_name(fc.referenced_object_id) , COL_NAME (fc.referenced_object_id, fc.referenced_column_id)
from sys.foreign_keys f
inner join sys.foreign_key_columns fc on f.object_id = fc.constraint_object_id
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = f.parent_object_id
where t.id = @i
order by f.name
Set @maxj = @@rowcount
set @j = 1
if (@maxj >0)
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><td><b>참조키</b></td></tr></table>'
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><th>Sr.</th><th>이름</th><th>컬럼</th><th>Reference To</th></tr>'
While(@j <= @maxj)
select @Output = '<tr><td width="20px" align="center">' + Cast((@j) as varchar) + '</td><td width="150px">' + isnull(name,'') + '</td><td width="150px">' + isnull(col,'') + '</td><td>[' + isnull(refObj,'N') + '].[' + isnull(refCol,'N') + ']</td></tr>'
from #FK where id = @j
print @Output
Set @j = @j + 1;
print '</table><br />'
--Default Constraints
truncate table #Constraint
if @SqlVersion = '2000'
insert into #Constraint (Name, col, definition)
select object_name(c.constid), col_name(c.id, c.colid), s.text
from sysconstraints c
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = c.id
left outer join syscomments s on s.id = c.constid
where t.id = @i
convert(varchar,+ (c.status & 1)/1)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 2)/2)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 4)/4)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 8)/8)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 16)/16)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 32)/32)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 64)/64)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 128)/128) = '10101000'
else if @SqlVersion = '2005'
insert into #Constraint (Name, col, definition)
select c.name, col_name(parent_object_id, parent_column_id), c.definition
from sys.default_constraints c
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = c.parent_object_id
where t.id = @i
order by c.name
Set @maxj = @@rowcount
set @j = 1
if (@maxj >0)
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><td><b>Default Constraints</b></td></tr></table>'
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><th>Sr.</th><th>이름</th><th>컬럼</th><th>값</th></tr>'
While(@j <= @maxj)
select @Output = '<tr><td width="20px" align="center">' + Cast((@j) as varchar) + '</td><td width="250px">' + isnull(name,'') + '</td><td width="150px">' + isnull(col,'') + '</td><td>' + isnull(definition,'') + '</td></tr>'
from #Constraint where id = @j
print @Output
Set @j = @j + 1;
print '</table><br />'
--Check Constraints
truncate table #Constraint
if @SqlVersion = '2000'
insert into #Constraint (Name, col, definition)
select object_name(c.constid), col_name(c.id, c.colid), s.text
from sysconstraints c
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = c.id
left outer join syscomments s on s.id = c.constid
where t.id = @i
and ( convert(varchar,+ (c.status & 1)/1)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 2)/2)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 4)/4)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 8)/8)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 16)/16)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 32)/32)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 64)/64)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 128)/128) = '00101000'
or convert(varchar,+ (c.status & 1)/1)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 2)/2)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 4)/4)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 8)/8)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 16)/16)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 32)/32)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 64)/64)
+ convert(varchar,(c.status & 128)/128) = '00100100')
else if @SqlVersion = '2005'
insert into #Constraint (Name, col, definition)
select c.name, col_name(parent_object_id, parent_column_id), definition
from sys.check_constraints c
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = c.parent_object_id
where t.id = @i
order by c.name
Set @maxj = @@rowcount
set @j = 1
if (@maxj >0)
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><td><b>Check Constraints</b></td></tr></table>'
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><th>Sr.</th><th>이름</th><th>컬럼</th><th>정의</th></tr>'
While(@j <= @maxj)
select @Output = '<tr><td width="20px" align="center">' + Cast((@j) as varchar) + '</td><td width="250px">' + isnull(name,'') + '</td><td width="150px">' + isnull(col,'') + '</td><td>' + isnull(definition,'') + '</td></tr>'
from #Constraint where id = @j
print @Output
Set @j = @j + 1;
print '</table><br />'
truncate table #Constraint
if @SqlVersion = '2000'
insert into #Constraint (Name)
select tr.name
FROM sysobjects tr
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = tr.parent_obj
where t.id = @i and tr.type = 'TR'
order by tr.name
else if @SqlVersion = '2005'
insert into #Constraint (Name)
SELECT tr.name
FROM sys.triggers tr
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = tr.parent_id
where t.id = @i
order by tr.name
Set @maxj = @@rowcount
set @j = 1
if (@maxj >0)
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><td><b>트리거</b></td></tr></table>'
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><th>Sr.</th><th>이름</th><th>설명</th></tr>'
While(@j <= @maxj)
select @Output = '<tr><td width="20px" align="center">' + Cast((@j) as varchar) + '</td><td width="150px">' + isnull(name,'') + '</td><td></td></tr>'
from #Constraint where id = @j
print @Output
Set @j = @j + 1;
print '</table><br />'
truncate table #Indexes
if @SqlVersion = '2000'
insert into #Indexes (Name, type, cols)
select i.name, case when i.indid = 0 then 'Heap' when i.indid = 1 then 'Clustered' else 'Nonclustered' end , c.name
from sysindexes i
inner join sysindexkeys k on k.indid = i.indid and k.id = i.id
inner join syscolumns c on c.id = k.id and c.colorder = k.colid
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = i.id
where t.id = @i and i.name not like '_WA%'
order by i.name, i.keycnt
else if @SqlVersion = '2005'
insert into #Indexes (Name, type, cols)
select i.name, case when i.type = 0 then 'Heap' when i.type = 1 then 'Clustered' else 'Nonclustered' end, col_name(i.object_id, c.column_id)
from sys.indexes i
inner join sys.index_columns c on i.index_id = c.index_id and c.object_id = i.object_id
inner join #Tables t on t.object_id = i.object_id
where t.id = @i
order by i.name, c.column_id
Set @maxj = @@rowcount
set @j = 1
set @sr = 1
if (@maxj >0)
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><td><b>인덱스</b></td></tr></table>'
print '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="750px"><tr><th>Sr.</th><th>이 름</th><th>타 입</th><th>컬 럼</th></tr>'
set @Output = ''
set @last = ''
set @current = ''
While(@j <= @maxj)
select @current = isnull(name,'') from #Indexes where id = @j
if @last <> @current and @last <> ''
print '<tr><td width="20px" align="center">' + Cast((@sr) as varchar) + '</td><td width="150px" align="center">' + @last + '</td><td width="150px" align="center">' + @typ + '</td><td align="center">' + @Output + '</td></tr>'
set @Output = ''
set @sr = @sr + 1
select @Output = @Output + cols + '<br />' , @typ = type
from #Indexes where id = @j
set @last = @current
Set @j = @j + 1;
if @Output <> ''
print '<tr><td width="20px" align="center">' + Cast((@sr) as varchar) + '</td><td width="150px" align="center">' + @last + '</td><td width="150px" align="center">' + @typ + '</td><td align="center">' + @Output + '</td></tr>'
print '</table><br />'
Set @i = @i + 1;
--Print @Output
Print '</body>'
Print '</html>'
drop table #Tables
drop table #Columns
drop table #FK
drop table #Constraint
drop table #Indexes
set nocount off
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